S&A has been awarded the Prime Contract to provide support to the United States Fleet Forces Command (USFFC) for the Sailor 2025 Ready Relevant Learning (RRL) Program to assist USFFC and TYCOMs in execution of responsibilities as RRL Executive Agent (EA), RRL Integration Board (IB) and Executive Steering Committee (ESC) Executive Secretary, and Fleet Training Requirements Development and Assessment.
As a key pillar in the Navy’s “Sailor 2025” vision, RRL is a long-term investment in improving individual Sailor performance and enhancing Fleet readiness. The goal of RRL is to deliver the right training at the right time in the right way so that Sailors are ready to operate their equipment at the extreme technical end of its capability to win the high-end fight. As described in the RRL EA Strategy and Vision, RRL will change the how and when we train our Sailors, and it will accelerate our ability to keep training tightly aligned with the real-world needs of the Fleet through the following 3 lines of effort:
• Career-Long Learning Continuum. Detailed professional-development roadmaps for every Navy career path — including technical and non-technical content alike — with Fleet leaders validating that all training requirements are tightly aligned with real mission requirements.
• Modern Delivery at the Point of Need. A combination of traditional and emerging learning technologies will be used to deliver the right training at the right time in the right way, based on clear learning objectives and rigorous science-of-learning principles.
• Integrated Content Development. processes, standards, and resources will be aligned to reduce the cost of content-development and decrease the time it takes to get training to the Fleet.
Training and Program Support are core capabilities within S&A and we are excited to serve as USFFC’s and the TYCOM’s partner in furthering this critical mission to modernization training and enhance Fleet readiness!
The full article can be downloaded here: S&A Website Article-RRL Award