S&A Awarded General Services Administration Multiple Award Schedule (GSA MAS) Consolidated Contract

Sellers & Associates, LLC (S&A) announced today prime award of a GSA MAS Consolidated Contract.

GSA MAS is part of an initiative to simplify the buying process for Government agencies, the selling process for contractors, and the overall contract acquisition and management process for all parties. GSA spent over a year gathering feedback during industry days and reviewing surveys completed by government agencies and contractors. GSA MAS consolidates the number of GSA schedules from 24 to 1, and reduces the number of Special Item Numbers (SINs) by 67%, providing a streamlined structure to accelerate the procurement process.

S&A’s award spans 17 SINs across core functional areas including: core functional areas:

  • • Program Management
    • • Project/Program Management
    • • Facilities Support Services
  • • Budget & Financial Management
    • • Budget & Financial Management Services
    • • Financial Analysis Support
  • • Engineering & Technical Services
    • • Engineering
    • • Technical Services
    • • Engineering Research & Development
    • • Facilities & Smart Building System Integration
  • • Training
    • • Professional Development Training
    • • Management Development Training
    • • Off-the-Shelf Training Devices
    • • Training Materials
  • • Executive Support Services
    • • Strategic Planning
    • • Human Resources
    • • Talent Development
    • • Workforce Analytics
    • • Employee Records
    • • Records Management
    • • Physical Records Management
    • • Electronic Records Management
    • • Conference, Meeting, Event, & Trade Show Support Services
    • • Market Research & Analysis
    • • Marketing & Public Relations
    • • Commercial Photography
    • • Professional Audio/Video/Visual Services
    • • Office Management Needs Assessment & Analysis Services

Work on this contract will be performed nationwide.

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